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Lab Automation Resource Center

Learn from your peers how to start, build methods, and troubleshoot.

Implementing, using and maintaining an automated workstation can be complex undertaking with a steep learning curve, but you do not have to go through it alone.

We have compiled this comprehensive library of resources to support you wherever you are in the process, from consideration through troubleshooting.

Looking to automate your workflow but not sure where to start?
Connect with an Expert

Webinars & Videos

Learn about the fundamentals of lab automation, how to optimize and troubleshoot your automation, and more with our videos and on-demand webinars.


Learn How to Automate Nucleic Acid Extraction

Explore how to efficiently build and troubleshoot an automated nucleic acid extraction workflow.

View On-Demand Webinar


Simplifying Lab Work: A Guide to Laboratory Automation Using Liquid Handlers

Learn practical tips for choosing an automation partner, navigating instrument capabilities and optimizing protocols.

View On-Demand Webinar

Video Education Series: Automating Nucleic Acid Extraction

Part 1: Basic Chemistry and Robotics

Thinking about bringing automated systems into your lab? Learn what questions you should be asking.

Part 2: Controls and Experiments

Learn how to define your performance standards and optimize a manual magnetic particle based method that meets those standards in order to test.

Part 3: Working with a Robot

Learn how to work with a liquid handler robot, the types of instruments available, and provide tips for developing liquid classes for your system.

Part 4: Optimizing and Troubleshooting the Automation

Learn how to optimize each of the six stages of automated magnetic particle-based nucleic acid extraction.

Getting Started with Lab Automation

Does the thought of implementing high throughput processes intimidate you or cause you stress? Do you need help automating or making changes to your nucleic acid purification workflow? Maybe you have not previously considered automation, but are experiencing growing pains in your lab related to your current workflow?

We know automating your workflow can seem daunting, with so many options to choose from and numerous variables to consider. Whether you are at the beginning stages of planning your automation or need help optimizing or troubleshooting your workflow, this collection of resources has the information and tools to support every step of your automation journey.

Looking to automate your workflow but not sure where to start?

Connect with an Expert

Automating Your Lab Worksheet

Looking to automate your workflow, but not sure where to start? This worksheet guides you through a series of questions to help you clearly define your automation goals and plan your project.

Download Lab Worksheet

Case Studies

UniPath’s Move to a High-Throughput Extraction Process

UniPath needed to expand capacity for nucleic acid extraction but did not have the personnel required to meet increased processing demands of COVID-19.

A custom automated workflow using the Maxwell® HT Viral TNA Kit accommodated challenging sample types and enabled processing of up to 1,500 samples per day.

Download the Case Study

Automated Protocol for DNA Extraction from Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) Tissues

A clinical laboratory experiencing an increasing volume of FFPE biopsy samples needed a solution for extracting high-quality DNA and RNA to use in downstream diagnostic assays.

Automated processing using the Maxwell® HT extraction solutions and existing laboratory instruments increased the number of samples the laboratory could process and resulted in higher quality DNA than their current protocol.

Download the Case Study

Application Notes

Our Maxwell® instruments, together with cartridge-based purification kits, offer rapid DNA and RNA extraction at scale from numerous sample types, from biofluids to microbes. Explore over 130 application notes with protocol details and purification data from a variety of samples of interest.

Search Maxwell® Application Notes

Ready to Get Started?

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